Tonight I head off to the Bangkok.
I dislike Bangkok.
But! I do like my friends in Bangkok.
I've got a long bus ride, yet another one, ahead of me. I really am quite adapted to sitting in one seat for nine hours. Afterall, I do it often enough lately. It's amusing how I go about three months without visiting Bangkok.This month I've been there three times already in less then two weeks. I don't mind though, I should truly hate the bus by now. I figure it's a good way to travel, cheap and comfortable. Granted I miss my bed were I can stretch out my legs, but if it saves money sign me up.
I'm off to Koh Lanta, I think it's an island off of Krabi. That's what I've been told at least..Who knows for sure. My toughest challenge is deciding what to craft while I'm down there. Since, I have to plan a week of creativeness..Due to the fact I start to go crazier if I don't sew or crochet at least once a day. So, I have to figure,cut, and pack what I want to work on..What to bring!!!
In other news, I've begun my first crochet blanket..So much work ahead of me. But, I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end. It better be... Also, I'm working on a tote for my laptop, due to traveling I needed a pocket made for my laptop. So it doesn't bang around or whatnot, so I've designed a tote to carry everything plus my laptop. I hope to finish it by tonight.
Enough chit chat! Instead, have a peak at an elephant and her baby that I saw:]