Thursday, 25 March 2010

Dress Making and Sun bathing

Hello little flower:]

See how it's reaching out with it's little arms to hug you?
Oh go on, smile and admire the little beauty.

Life is so lovely right now, between sun bathing and enjoying the last weeks of my life in Thailand. I couldn't be more content. It's tinged just a hair with sadness, but mainly I'm happy.
I'm attempting to make a dress. Boy oh boy do I wish I had a body form. But one makes do with using my own body as the body form..Pins are not my friend..
In other news I've developed a obsession with my hanging plants. They've become like my babies, I water them and prune them while smiling up at them. Also, I've adopted another little raggity cat. He has come and made himself at home.
Enjoy the sun dears!

Friday, 19 March 2010

Rinse and Review

Finally some of the smog has cleared.
Both in my Brain and Outside.
Life returns to normal.
Marcus returns to Sweden
And hopefully Daddy will return home.

The past weeks have been busy and wonderful. I've gotten over some of my fear of going back to the U.S. And now I'm ready for time to hit the fast-forward button and start passing quickly.
I've got my gotta-get-it-done cap on and am ready to grow up and begin life. I can't wait to start classes and figure out what sort of restaurant I'd like to be a part of.
All in all life is good. I'm designing my first dress, so hopefully it turns out lovely. Using up some leftover fabric to begin a new quilt. Whew!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Up,down and around

The past week has been such a roller-coaster of emotions.
It's mostly been a wonderful high.
But tinted with fear and cautiousness on my end of the happiness. I tred so lightly around happiness, waiting for it to crash down. Mostly this happy little feeling I've had is due to a certain young gentleman. As most of you who know me know whom I speak of there is no need to divulge more then that. But, it's been very hard and easy at the same time. I can almost forget that it won't last and let myself enjoy my little happy world. But then, something always happens to shine a red-light in my face. Blinking and reminding me that it's all quite untrustworthy.

In other news, I discovered that lake. Isn't it stunning?

Monday, 8 March 2010

Wolves and werewolves

I've been so terrible about keeping up with this.
I have been busy, I swear!

I'm very happy these days. My weeks have been flying by with a scary speed. But, I wouldn't trade them for all the time in the world. It's been so lovely having Marcus around. I had forgotten somewhat how fun it is when we go bopping around Chiangmai. A friend whom you can be totally at ease and ridiculous with is hard to come by. And I'm truly lucky to have three of these sort of friends.

Bikes,sushi, and Mad Hatters

Just a few pictures from the past few days
I've been enjoying time with best friends and Hatters.
Loved Alice in Wonderland.
Loving riding the Phantom.
Having a panic attack on how soon I leave

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Scuba Gear and other underwater things

The beach has been wonderful.
Thanks to my two dear Sweds I'm a certified Padi Diver.
Which means, I can go look at coral reefs,sharks and other lovely things.
It was such a intense feeling taking my first dive.
Being terrified of not being able to breathe, small spaces, and confined things..The first dive was crazy. I mean the life under the ocean is breathe taking. It gave my such awe at God's imagination and love of detail. Thanks to my best friend I was able to calmly dive and not get totally scared. Nothing beats having your best friend being underwater and experiencing something sooo life changing. Pictures soon to come