Monday, 30 November 2009

Bamboo noise

Little ken being crazy
Chatting with Leah!
Christmas present making
And traditional music
Happy things: Leah may come to Thailand!
Sad things: Time is flying by

Retreat and homecoming

Home sweet Home.
Early mornings and fun games
Crazy yarn and learning to knit.
Laughing and noodles.

The past few days have been busy to say the least. The weekend Nav retreat turned out to be fun. The lessons taught I had learned already, due to having a Nav Dad. But, None the less I did learn a few things. The mountain weather was freezing, but luckily I packed all my winter-y stuff. Thank God for Crocheting, or I'd have been frozen.

But nothing was sweeter than coming back to my Indonesian family. Little Ken ran up to my and clung to my leg as I moved around the kitchen. Indarto and Erna took all of us to yummy noodles for dinner. We had so many laughs as we joked and teased like a big family. I certainly will miss them when I go back to Thailand.

Happy things: New yarn and lots of it. Finished another scarf.
Sad things: I leave so soon
Funny things: More people running from the 'bulee'

Friday, 27 November 2009

Total exhaustion

Today is a tired day.
The sort you want to curl up and not move.
Mainly due to catching the flu.
I made chicken Parmesan for everyone.
And then proceeded to plop onto a couch and crochet.

Last night was enjoyable, I went to Mister Agung's (Sorry if I mispelt your name!) and had dinner with his family. A mini Thanksgiving! They had made so many kinds of food for me. Lovely, lovely people. Tomorrow I am being sent off on a retreat. Into the mountains, praay I don't die of the cold or get more sick. In other news. I am feeling insanely Christmas-y and due to this I'm linking you to a fabulous Christmads Craft so go check it out. She does a wonderful blog full of lovely crafts.
Happy things: Chicken Parm turned out yummy
Sad things: Sick, sick sick,

Monday, 23 November 2009

Crocheting again and sharing.

Washing, Hanging, and Ironing.
Organizing, crocheting, and dancing.
Defineitly feeling like a housewife.

Today has been enjoyable so far. I've been catching up on the little odd bits I needed to do. Such as cleaning up my clothes! No one wants to smell like a suitcase. At least..No one that I know of. I;ve got this massive house to myself. Suprisingly enough, it's peaceful to be in it for a few hours and act like i own the place..Or at least the washing machine.. Hopefully I'll be seeing New Moon later on today. I'm quite excited to see it..I'm an ashamed Twi Fan..Sadly I didn't end up seeing New Moon. It still hasn't come out. Though it promised to come out last Friday..I'm annoyed with the theaters for lying continuously to us. Later that evening I shared my life with the students who came to study and see the 'Buleea' foreigner. It is getting much easier to talk to large groups of people about my life.
Happy things; Sunny and warm day. I was called an Angel and a miracle:]
Sad things: The spinner went on strike.So I had to wring the clothes out.
Funny things: Kenzie, the little boy who lives in this house, came running up to me shouting 'GOOOD MORNINGGG' So cute.
(pictures of my latest project)

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Drowing in the rain

Karoke in the presidant suit
Running through the rain soaked streets.
New yarn!
Lots of new friends,
Sharing at the Nav Rally.

Happy things: new organic yarn,
Sad things: my shoes are in a constant state of dampness
Funny Things: A man on a motorcycle nearly crashed due to staring at the white girl aka me

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Traveling again

Girls hangout time.
Sharing and singing homemade karoke.
Laughs and coffee for hours.

Happy things: On my Way to Bandung, made lots of fun new friends
Sad things: I keep banging my head on the roof of cars. Leaving the Nav family
Funny things: A small child sees me and runs yelling 'Bulaee!!' which means foriegner.
Weird things: Smoking is allowed inside

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Tears and smiles

Professors,Students, and Coffee.

Last night was encouraging and fun. I was introduced to a few girl students and joined their bible study. Boy was I thankful for Daddy's training me to be ready on the spot. Since, After the intoductions, I was told I had a half an hour to share. Suprised and slightly disgruntled I began to share on my life story. Basically a short version of Thailand,Mom, and family struggles and stories.
I had them all tearing up and a few crying. I felt terrible, it's simple little life brings tears to others eyes. I told them how our ministery works, what Dad and I do, and so on. After the sniffles passed they were encourged and excited to try and live life in a new manner. I felt very blessed to have been able to encourage them.
After dinner and more bible discussion we parted ways.

Things that made me Chuckle: Passport control " You're going to Bandung?" Me" Yes, to visit friends" PC " What? You have friends in Bandung? Really? Wow" - The fasinaction with my womanly talents of cooking and crochet - The fact I'm the only white person I've seen in two days.

Happy things: I seem to be considered a 'weird' foriegner because I eat everything,shower out of a bucket, and sleep in small spaces without issue.
Sad things: I think I slightly scare the shy girl who is with me today. Sigh, I swear, I don't bite

Korban Kopi( Coffee Victim)

New proffessor friends
Crocheted hat
Laughs and headaches
Meat after four months

Indonesia is quite fun, it's been whirlwind so far. But, I'm enjoying myself hugely.
I'm with an Indonesian at the moment, She took me home to her town for three days.
So far I've met with her Professors and student friends of her. Everyone here seems to be pretty open to having a random white girl living in their home for a night or two.
Food is not important here like it is in Thailand. We eat every now and then, and never snack. So weird compare to Thailand where you never stop eating. Coffee's here!
Gotta run.

Sunday, 15 November 2009


I've landed in Indonesia after a crazy flight.
Pizza Hut dinner
Coffee and late night bedroom chats
Lots of new friends.
So much fun so far.
Sharing alot too.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Indonesia Here I come

Well, I'm off!
A little worried on flight tickets.
Daddy's Credit cards are being tricky.
I will be sure to write when I have internet connection again.
Until then, enjoy life and mangos!

Packed to the Brimful

Packing for Indonesia.
Leaving on a jet plane in the morning.
Salad Concept with Daddy for dinner.
Tons of craft supplies going along.
Scared witless!

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Finally! After long hours and sore fingers
Daddy's quilt is done in time for Christmas.
Infact, with lots of time to spare.
It's a simple layout, as you can see.
But, I like the little details.
In the center it says 'Home is where your pillow it'
How true that is for travelers like us!
And on each side of the center, the familes names
Hope you like it!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Quilting Madness

Two quilts nearly done.
Indonesia in four days
Foriegn film festival
Delicious cooking lately
Love you dears

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Ferris Wheel

Food carnival and Small children singing
Foriegn films and yummy Breakfast
Sunny and Warm

Happy things: Ferris Wheel returned fond childhood memories.
Sad things: I'm growing up
Funny things: Pi' Dhi in a tiny Ferris Wheel seat.
Crafty Things: I've begun a new pillowcase for my bed pillow.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Chocolate in pasta?!

Chocolate in pasta,
Stoup recipe
Patriot movie
Golfing man on a motorcycle

Stoup recipe:

Stoupity soup

Makes enough for 4

2 regular potatoes. medium sized diced.(not perfectly diced just a rough chop)
1 yellow onion rough chopped
1 can stewed whole tomatoes. Rough chopped(just the tomatoes not the juice!)
1 big carrot rough chopped
2 cloves of garlic diced(Optional)
1tbs evoo(Extra virgin olive oil)
2-3 cups of chicken stock(You can buy this in the supermarket. Find a low sodium one. Also, depending on the size of your veggies it can take up to 3 cups. Basically just be sure all veggies are covered with the stock)
2 tsp thyme
2 tsp dry basil(fresh works too, but if you use fresh, add it at the very end before you serve)
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp of cajun

In your soup pan: Pour in the evoo, make sure it covers the bottom of the pan. Just lightly, so nothing sticks. Add in the potatoes, salt and pepper them. Then add in the rest of the veggies! Add in the rosemary and italian seasoning. Mix a mix it with a spoon. Pop in the garlic if your using it. Let it cook for about 5-7 mins. This softens the veggies and gives them a nice flavor before cooking in the soup. Do this over medium to low heat. Don't burn it:]

In your Soup Pan:
Pour in the chicken stock, rest of the spices, and cover with a lid. Keeping the lid a little bit off to release steam and keep from bubbling over. Bring the soup up to a bubble(Boil) them lower it down to low heat. Let it cook for about 20-30 mins depending on how your rough chop is. But, if your unsure just poke the carrots with a fork. They should have a little body to it. Not all squishy, unless you like squishy carrots.

Now, if you like meat. Feel free to pop in chick diced when you cook the veggies. Just cook the chicken untill nearly done before adding the veggies. Salt n pepper it if you do add it.
Noodles are a good addition too. Elbow or any little pasta you like. If you do this, just add a 1/2 cup extra of chicken stock.

Also, as a side note. I usually just eyeball spices, so if it isn't flavorful enough just add pinches of the spices till you are pleased with it:] It's all about fun in the kitchen Enjoy!
Serve steamy hot with your favortie bread for dippin


makes enough for one

1 cup cooked ziti
1/4 cup chicken stock
1/4 cup brocoli
1 clove of garlic, crushed.
1 tbs evoo
1 tsp cocoa or 90% chocolate bar
1 2 tsp balsamic vinegar (Good quality please! none of that tangy icky stuff)
1/2 tsp dried basil
salt and pepper

Pretty simple. Throw everything into a skillet, cook over low heat for about 10 mins serve:]

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Sewing little Housewife

Yesterday was a stay at home day
I spent nearly six hours sewingt
I finished the major part of my Daddy's quilt
Wrote a support letter
and made delicious veggie soup!

Happy things: I made a cute Life's Good bracelet, Homemade chicken stock,
Sad things: My tummy hurts:[
Funny things: Listening to Christmas music while sweeping my driveway

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Delicious Italian food
Kind Italian man
Nasty couple disturbed me
Wrote a story on a Banana..

Funny things: Monk's wearing mini-monk ensemble. Doing heavy work, cleaning up their Festival decorations. Daddy being a Jabbawockeez on his motorcycle. Kawasaki Pogo Stick dream
Happy things: Lovely Massage and incredible dinner.
Sad things: Lessons at 8am tomorrow

Monday, 2 November 2009

Ocean days and skies on fire

Fire lit skies and hot air balloons
Lazy sewing projects and a loyal kitty.
Sunny and breezy.

I love days like today. They remind me of being down at the Cape, sitting out on Grandma's porch. Letting the gentle breeze caress my skin with it's warm fingers. The sun peaking in between the leaves, wondering what your up to. Sewing to the summery sounds of birds and children playing. It's days like these you wish would go on forever.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Firecrackers, Candles, and all sorts of loud noises

Happy November.
Celebrating the new moon with firecrackers.
No I'm not a fruit cake.
It's the local holiday.
Bye bye sins!

Hello everyone, pardon my absence. Quick update, I've been quilting a ton lately. Shipping out My brother and Sister's packages. Hope they like their little treats inside. Tonight and tomorrow is the local blow-your-sins-away holiday. I'll be enjoying the sights and tastes with my Dad and Olivia.
Happy things: Quilt one is nearly done
Sad things: Quilt two has so much work to be done