Saturday, 10 October 2009

Eaten by Fish..Literally

Toast and Tea to start.
Taxis and Australians.
Bonding with a Thai due to cooking.
Coffee with strangers through the glass.
And ended with Fish eating our feet.
Not to mention getting lost in the rain.
Dad and I met up with the Aussies I mentioned yesterday. Said our hellos before all piling into a local taxi called a Song Tow. Which is basically a pick up with two benches and a roof. Anyways, we were herded over to the Community center, aka a cement square with a roof over it. A small mass of children ranging from one-sixteen years old came over to see what the white herd was doing as their community center. After getting seeing we didn't bite they warmed up quickly, as children do, and began playing games with us.After enjoying games and a delicious lunch provided by a sweet Thai woman; dad and I parted ways with the Aussies.

Promptly finding a place to get a two hour massage. After all, it's been nearly a week since we last had a massage..Ok maybe three days. Still! Enjoying a relaxing nap and waking feeling like new. It's a wonderful thing, waking up after a massage, you just feel like you could take on the world; or a coffee shop in our case.

Then to finish our day off we tried out the newest fad in Thailand, Fish Spa. You read right, a Fish Spa. Basically you sit on the benches near a pool of little bitty fish, pop your feet in and wait. The Fishies come and suck off your dead skin, gross right? Actually, after getting over the ticklish feeling and gross feeling of seeing fishies nibbling you, it's very enjoyable.

Things that made me chuckle: Fish eating my toes. Fish eating my legs. Fish in general watching me. Loosing the MRT(Underground train) siting next to strangers while having coffee. Having only a glass separating us.
Happy things: Two hour massage. Two hour nap during two hour massage. Bonding with the Thai woman over cooking.
Sad things: Seeing how lucky I am while others are struggling to make it through the day.

Goodness today was a interesting day. Exciting,tiring,relaxing, and fun. Really, all things that make up an all together enjoyable day.